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AGU Town Hall on Evolving U.S. Prioritization of Carbon Cycle Science

San Francisco, California


The U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program organized a town hall on the U.S. Government’s prioritization of Carbon Cycle Science at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting on Monday December 9, 2013. In addition to CCIWG members and Gyami Shrestha (U.S. Carbon Program Office), Gary Geernaert, Director of  DOE BER Climate and Environmental Sciences Division and SGCR Vice-Chair also participated in the panel discussions. The panel received valuable feedback from AGU members in attendance. Aspects of the 2011 US Carbon Cycle Science Plan, the 2012-2022 US Global Change Research Program Strategic Plan, President Barack Obama's Climate Action Plan and other U.S. government wide documents and processes that help shape different current and evolving themes in federally funded US Carbon Cycle Science research were discussed by the panel. Current and near-term research funding foci were addressed with feedback from the audience that will be utilized for future CCIWG planning and activities. Additional details on this event can be found here. Materials pertinent to this town hall can be found as part of announcements posted here.