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In Memoriam: Dr. Henry Gholz, former CCIWG member from NSF


Dr. Henry Gholz served as an active member of the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group (CCIWG), representing the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) as Program Director (Ecosystem Science Cluster and Macrosystems Biology Program), enthusiastically participating in our tri-weekly interagency meetings and community engagements, and continuously supporting the interagency-community science facilitation and advancement activities (e.g. 2011 U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Plan, 2013 Urban-Carbon and Human Interactions Workshop) of the CCIWG-led U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Program and Program Office.

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Dr. Gholz passed away following a rock climbing accident in Colorado on September 30, 2017. He will be missed by many in the biological, ecosystems and carbon science community, for the valuable scientific advances he enabled and advocated for [e.g the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites Program he led for a ten-year period while at the National Science Foundation], his outstanding academic contribution to ecological sciences, and his positivity across the vast network of scientists and colleagues whom he helped and with which he engaged.

Some more information about Dr. Gholz's life and career: