SOCCR-2, NCA4, NACP and OCB at AGU: Glimpses
Thanks for joining us during AGU. Some glimpses of events are below.
- NACP Science Implementation: Developing a Plan for the Next Generation of the North American Carbon Program
- SOCCR-2 Town Hall
- SOCCR-2: The 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report, a Sustained National Climate Assessment report encompassing North America and Surrounding Waters
- SOCCR-2 Poster Session
- CCIWG poster PDF
- Climate Science Special Report Union Session View the Recorded video
- Ocean Carbon and Bioegeochemistry Program (OCB) AGU Documentary 10-minute film highlighting OCB research and some of the scientists and technology that are pushing the edges of our understanding of marine ecosystems, biogeochemistry, and the ocean carbon cycle. This video was played during AGU.
Some pictures are posted below.