Recent and upcoming 2019 public engagement events
Soil Science Society of America January 2019 Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report Just out-Summary of Soils Relevant Findings
American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting January 2019 The Changing North American Carbon Cycle: Projections, Consequences and Research Priorities
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) session/panel Feb 2019 Carbon Cycle Processes, Policies, and Uncertainties: New Perspectives
Special Tuesdays NOAA SOCCR2 webinar (Feb 26-May 28 Tuesdays 12-1 pm) series with Video Recordings of the webinars made available after the webinars via the new U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Channel
European Geoscience Union (EGU) oral presentation on April 11, 2019 EGU2019-13265 '20 years of U.S. interagency and cross-disciplinary research coordination on carbon: SOCCR2, current and future networks’ in ICOS Session ESSI2.6– Communities, tools and policies for integrated Earth and Space Science infrastructures