USGCRP 2012-2021 Draft Strategic Plan Open for Public Comment
The final version of the USGCRP 2012-2021 Strategic Plan released in December 2011
The USGCRP 2012-2021 Draft Strategic Plan is open for public comment until November 29, 2011
The the US Global Change Research Program has been developing a ten year strategic plan for Federal research aimed at understanding, assessing and responding to global change, as required by the Global Change Research Act of 1990. Developed by an interagency team, the Draft Strategic Plan for 2012-2021 has undergone review and revision within the Program, and will undergo a formal review by the National Research Council. It is now available for public comment from any interested parties, as described in the announcement below. Please review the draft Strategic Plan and register your comments.
AGENCY: National Science Foundation
ACTION: Announcement of Strategic Plan Outline and Public Comment Period
SUMMARY: This Notice advises the public that the public comment period for the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Strategic Plan is now open. Every ten years, in accordance with the Global Change Research Act of 1990 (Sec 104, P.L. 101-606), the USGCRP must produce a 10 year National Global Change Research Plan (i.e. a Strategic Plan for the USGCRP). The public comment period invites the public to provide comments and feedback on the U.S. Global Change Research Program Strategic Plan.
DATES: Public Comments are due by November 29, 2011.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Any questions about the content of this request should be sent to Dr. Julie Morris, Technical Coordinator for the Strategic Plan, U.S. Global Change Research Program Office, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Suite 250, Washington, DC 20006, Telephone (202) 223-6262, Fax (202) 223-3065, e-mail