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North American Carbon Program Scientific Steering Group Meeting

Washington, D.C.

The Scientific Steering Group (SSG) of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) met on Tuesday Feb 18, 2014 and Wednesday Feb 19, 2014. The Social Cost of Carbon, various new Arctic focus research areas, CCIWG sponsored urban carbon initiatives, carbon-climate Multi-scale synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison (MsTMIP) Project, and various other USGCRP and CCIWG activities of interest to the broader North American carbon scientific community were discussed in addition to other items specific to the NACP, NACP SSG and the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program. A diverse set of short- and mid-term action items to improve the science, communication, and informing decisions aspect of North American scale carbon cycle research were brainstormed. The NACP Program Office organized this meeting in collaboration with the NACP SSG co-chairs, CCIWG and Carbon Program Office at the USGCRP.

The NACP was established by the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program to investigate the magnitudes and distributions of North American carbon sources and sinks on seasonal to centennial time scales, and  the processes controlling their dynamics. The NACP Scientific Steering Group (NACP SSG), established by the CCIWG, provides leadership for the North American Carbon Program. The NACP SSG interacts closely with the CCIWG, the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Office and the NACP Office. For more information, visit this page.