New: “CO2-USA” Network and Save the Date for next CO2-USA workshop
A website featuring a new network focused on U.S. urban carbon dioxide emissions was unveiled in early February 2018.
Per the project leads, 'This activity, while directly supported mostly by NOAA's AC4 program and to a smaller extent from NIST, is the result of years of science that U.S. federal agencies have helped make possible. The NASA CMS project is especially noteworthy on this regard. Also, the NASA-funded Oak Ridge DAAC will be the repository for the datasets that will emerge from CO2-USA. Interagency deliberations within the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group have helped provide impetus for this project.'
Save the date: The next CO2-USA workshop will be held in Salt Lake City on Oct. 24th and 25th. The organizers would like to encourage broad participation from the community.