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Global Carbon Budget 2013 and new Global Carbon Atlas launched today


Today, the Global Carbon Project released the Global Carbon Budget 2013 and the new Global Carbon Atlas, an online interactive platform with distinctive tools to deliver carbon information to i) educators and the broader public, ii) policy makers, NGOs, and the broad corporate community involved in climate change discussions, and iii) the research community. Here is an excerpt describing the Atlas, from the Future Earth website: 'The new site  invites visitors to explore, display and download data and figures on carbon dioxide emissions from all sources, cut any way they choose. You can visualise changes over recent decades, and investigate global, regional and national comparisons. As well as the emissions data displays, there is an outreach section which offers past and future views of carbon emissions and human development, and a researchers' section, which will include global and regional results from several different carbon cycle models.'

The first Global Methane Budget by the Global Carbon Project was released earlier in September 2013.

The U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Office is an affiliate office of the Global Carbon Project. Gyami Shrestha from the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Office serves as a member of the Editorial Board of the Global Carbon Atlas. 


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