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Completion of 'Key Uncertainties in the Global Carbon-Cycle' workshop

Boulder, Colorado


The August 2013 workshop on 'Key Uncertainties in the Global Carbon-Cycle: Perspectives across terrestrial and ocean ecosystems' was successfully concluded at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO. Co-sponsored by the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program.

This event was organized to help develop a multi-disciplinary approach to global carbon cycle science by integrating knowledge from both land and ocean communities.The major outcomes of the meeting will be published soon.

Quinn ThomasWelcome 
Jim RandersonThe state of the carbon cycle in CMIP5 models: Processes, feedbacks, and future research directions 
Ning ZengThe changing cycle of atmospheric CO2 {video}
Taka ItoPhysical and biological controls on the ocean carbon storage 
Ying Ping WangEffects of nutrient limitation onland carbon uptake and its implications on climate change prediction and mitigation 
Phillipe CiaisChallenges in soil carbon modeling and links to the river carbon cycle 
Curtis DeutschClimate regulation of the oceanic N cycle 
Sara ViccaNutrient availability determines forests' carbon sequestration - a global synthesis 
Anna CabreSouthern Ocean response to climate change in CMIP5 models 
Adrian BurdThe fate of particulate organic material in the oceans  {video}
Serita FreyTerrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics: Effects of Heterotrophic Respiration  {video}
Christian LonborgDissolved organic matter (DOM) - microbe interactions
Tom VanwalleghenTowards modeling global soil erosion and its importance for the terrestrial carbon cycle {video}
Rosie FisherCompetition, co-existence and diversity in vegetation models
Tim LentonCapturing evolution and ecology in a global ocean model  {video}
Sophie FausetModeling tropical forest dynamics using an individual-based forest simulator 
David NicholsonA cellular allocation modeling approach for representing the ecophysiology of marine primary producers  
Galen McKinleyUsing data to elucidate feedback mechanisms in the ocean carbon cycle {video}
Kevin BowmanThe NASA Carbon Monitoring System 
Kiona OgleStrategies for applying individual-based models of forest dynamics at regional to continental scales 
Jeff ChambersTree mortality and forest-atmosphere interactions under a warming climate 
Charles KovenModeling terrestrial carbon-climate dynamics in the northern high latitudes 
Nicole LovenduskiCarbon in the Southern Ocean: Known knowns and known unknowns {video}
Rondrotiana BarimalalaRepresentation of the Indian Ocean biophysical interannual variability in the CMIP5-ESM models  {video}
Tom AndersonRole of zooplankton in marine ecosystems and modeling perspectives
Jeff HickeThe role of biotic disturbance agents in carbon-climate connections