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CCIWG sessions and presentations at the 2014 AGU Fall meeting

San Franciso, California

CCIWG co-chair Nancy Cavallaro (USDA) and US Carbon Program Office Director Gyami Shrestha co-chaired and co-convened two Global Environmental Change sessions at the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting held in San Francisco in December 2014: Global Approaches to Advance Interdisciplinary Earth Sciences at the Intersection of Science, Policy, and Society I (Oral) and II (Posters) with Maria Uhle (NSF) and Robert Gurney, OBE (University of Reading, UK). The sessions encompassed examples of research endeavors and accomplishments linking atmospheric, terrestrial, cryospheric and oceanic systems and processes to understand how human activities are modifying the stocks, fluxes and impacts of water, energy and carbon in both managed and unmanaged ecosystems in response to changing climatic, environmental, social, and/or geopolitical pressures.

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International partnerships such as the International Blue Carbon Initiative and those supported through the Belmont Forum and G8-Heads of Research Councils were also highlighted, as examples offering the global research community ways to foster collaborative interactions between natural and social sciences and stakeholders; deliver novel, transferable, approaches to freshwater security; manage the water systems more sustainably; improve our knowledge base food, energy, land, and carbon in human systems; and enable communities to become more resilient. The sessions asked and explored: How do we learn from past international programs to make such new approaches effective, and how should we manage such new initiatives now?

CCIWG member Jim Bulter (NOAA, Boulder, CO) presented an invited talk entitled, 'Supporting Greenhouse Gas Management Strategies with Observations and Analysis – Challenges and Opportunities' in this session. This talk highlighted the need for a globally coherent observing and analysis system to supply the information that society will need over decades, and emphazied how and why policy-makers, scientists, government agencies, and businesses will need the best information available from such a system for decision-making....'

Members of the carbon cycle science community were also among the presenters in the sessions.

Gyami Shrestha presented a poster entitled ‘Coordinated carbon cycle research: achievements and opportunities for innovation’ in the Public Affairs Session ‘Frontiers in Geoscience Funding and Innovation’ session.

For more info on the above three activities follow this link.

The poster is available here.

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