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AGU Town Hall

The Carbon Cycle Science Program successfully organized a Town Hall at the Fall 2012 American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting (December 3- 7, 2012) responding to the carbon cycle science community's 2011 Carbon Cycle Science Plan. Two lead authors of the Plan Gregg Marland (Appalachian State) and Anna Michalak (Stanford) spoke about the history of carbon cycle research supported by U.S. agencies and the 2011 Carbon Science Plan. Moderated by Carbon Cycle Scientific Steering Group (CCSSG) Chair Dennis Hansel (Miami) and Gyami Shrestha (U.S. Carbon Program) the community provided feedback on the CCIWG's response to the Plan which was presented by the CCIWG co-Chairs Nancy Cavallaro and Mike Kuperberg, which encompasses the following: Recognition of the need to include “human dimension” in the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program/CCIWG activities Planning for development and implementation of solicitations and activities as early as 2013 focused on these themes: Carbon vulnerability in critical ecosystems Coastal and land to ocean interactions, land-aquatic interfaces Urban and agricultural/rural to urban transitions /interactions Cross-cutting issues such as scaling and cascading effects, decisions/policies and management, Improved observing systems and data integration including below-ground, socioeconomic, physical, biological components.