News and Opportunities


May, 2015

Analyses of impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation responses will be framed by RCPs 8.5 and 4.5 as high- and low-emissions scenarios, respectively. Other scenarios (for example, RCP 2.6) will be included on an as-needed basis, such as in analyses of mitigation impacts.

The CCIWG will meet with the CCSSG for individual input on carbon cycle science needs and opportunities......

The White House has issued a Federal Register Notice for engagement activities of the USGCRP's Sustained Assessment process.

April, 2015

The draft USGCRP Special Assessment on Climate and Health is available for public review....

January, 2015

With over 370 participants, 77 talks and 254 posters presented in science, science policy and science communication sessions such as 'Carbon Management and Decision Support', 'North American Carbon Cycle en Route to COP-21 in Paris',....

A new goal to cut U.S. methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 40–45% from 2012 levels by 2025....


December, 2014

Global Approaches to Advance Interdisciplinary Earth Sciences, Coordinated carbon cycle research achievements and opportunities for innovation....

November, 2014

2025 Target to Cut U.S. Climate Pollution by 26-28% from 2005 Levels...

....quick-turnaround projects... recommended by the National Research Council in 2007...selected for NASA funding at a total cost of no more than $30 million over five years...airborne field campaigns will investigate how long-range air pollution, warming ocean waters, and fires in Africa affect our climate...

As products of the 2013 workshop sponsored by the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program, these papers demonstrate convincingly that an integrated approach to urbanization and the carbon cycle is overdue....
