
AGU Sessions of Interest

The following are sessions at AGU Fall Meeting 2024 that are related to Carbon Cycle Science. For NACP-specific suggestions, visit the NACP website list here.

A066: Constraining Greenhouse Gas Exchange Processes Using Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations

A104: Light-Absorbing Carbon Aerosols: Observations, Models, Processes, and Impacts

A113: New Developments in Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions Quantification

A122: Remote sensing of CH4 and CO2 from Space: The Expanding Observing System

A130: Terrestrial Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and Atmospheric Chemistry

A142: Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions: The Role of Surface Fluxes, Boundary Layer Processes, and the Atmosphere 

B003: Advances in land carbon cycle modeling

B004: Advances in measurements, synthesis, analysis and modeling of greenhouse gas fluxes from natural ecosystems

B005: Advances in Modeling of Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes

B008: Advances in Understanding and Constraining Uncertainties in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle

B009: Advances in Understanding and Predicting Forest Demography and Carbon in a Changing World

B011: Advances in Understanding Water-Energy-Carbon Interactions

B013: Advances on Investigating Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems (INCyTE) across Observations, Experiments and Models

B014: Advancing Environmental Monitoring through Near-Surface Imaging Technologies: Capabilities, Applications, and Future Directions

B016: Advancing Soil Carbon Predictions: From Micro to Global Scale

B019: Beyond Ice: NASA’s ICESat-2 spaceborne lidar mission for land and vegetation applications

B020: Biogeochemical and Microbial Processes across the Urban Terrestrial-Aquatic Continuum

B021: Biogeochemical Cycles of Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon in Contemporary Earth Systems

B023: Building a More Complete Representation of Methane Dynamics Across Earth’s Ecosystems

B024: Carbon Allocation Dynamics: From Plant to Ecosystem Scale

B025: Carbon-Climate Interactions in the Methane Cycle

B026: C-FARMing - the Next Frontier for Science and Society

B027: Carbon inputs from wastewater treatment plants to aquatic ecosystems

B028: Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications (Libby)

B033: Coastal Wetland Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and Syntheses

B034: Consequences of drought and heat stress for terrestrial vegetation: from physiology to global feedbacks

B035: Contributions of CENTURY/DayCent Models to Biogeochemistry and Current Challenges

B036: Coupling Remote Sensing with Artificial Intelligence and Physics-Based Modeling to Improve Spatial-Temporal Prediction of SOC Stocks

B039: Drivers of forest carbon losses and effective interventions to preserve carbon in forests worldwide

B042: Ecology-Climate Connections Through Carbon, Water, and Energy Interactions

B045: Enhanced Weathering for Soil-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal: Potential and Challenges

B047: Exploring Methane Dynamics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems via Advanced Bottom-Up, Top-down and AI/ML Modeling

B048: Forest Ecophysiology: Forest Physiological and Ecological Processes from Molecules to Ecosystems

B051: GHGs, VOCs, and the Dynamics of Environmental Parameters in Tropical Wetlands

B053: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Precision Agriculture

B055: The Role of Fire in the Earth System: Understanding Drivers, Feedbacks, and Interactions with the Land, Atmosphere, and Society

B056: Impacts and Feedback of Phenological Changes in the Earth System

B057: Informing Terrestrial Biosphere Modeling by Integrating Diverse Observational Benchmarks

B059: Intersections of Ecology, Hydrology, and Climatology in Earth’s Drylands

B060: Land Biogeochemical Cycling Under Global Environmental Change: Patterns, Drivers, and Mechanisms

B066: Methane Emission Feedbacks from Natural Systems: Reducing Uncertainties from the Tropics to the Poles

B069: Missing Carbon: Mechanisms Controlling Carbon Transfer Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface

B070: Model Data Integration to Advance Understanding of Wetland Greenhouse Gas Emissions: From Site to Global Scales

B071: Multi-Greenhouse Gas Flux Assessments to Characterize Regional to Global Scale Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions from Terrestrial, Oceanic and Aquatic Systems

B073: Novel Paradigms, Processes, and Emergenc Behavior in Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling

B076: Outcomes of Research Conducted on Long Term Agricultural Research Sites

B079: Plant Ecophysiology to Power the Next-Generation Earth System Modeling

B081: Quantifying Soil Organic Carbon for Global Change: Inspiring a Community-based Data and Model Integration Effort

B082: Quantifying the Climate Impact of Freshwater Minerotrophic Wetlands

B088: Science-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Strategies that Incorporate Monitoring Measurements, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV)

B093: Soils in the Anthropocene, as a solution to climate change? Insights from empirical, modeling and big data studies

B094: Soils in the Anthropocene: Carbon and Nutrient Coupling in Terrestrial Agroecosystems

B095: Soils in the Anthropocene: Cross-scale Mechanisms of Stabilization and Change

B096: Soils in the Anthropocene: Exploring Divergent Frameworks for Improved Understanding of Organic Matter Formation and Stability

B097: Soils in the Anthropocene: The Effect of Plant Communities and Their Microbial Associations on Soil Biogeochemistry

B100: Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Measurements, Modeling and Applications from Field, Airborne, and Satellite Platforms

B101: Surface-Atmosphere Interaction: Flux measurements for Real-World Impact

B102: Surface-Atmosphere Interaction: Intersections between Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing

B103: Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: From Single Flux Measurements ot Integrated Syntheses

B104: That Doesn’t Look Right: Spikes, Outliers, and other oddities in GHG Chamber Measurements in the Age of Reproducible Science

B106: The Global Carbon Cycle and its Feedbacks with Anthropogenic Change

B107: The Global Methane Budget

B108: The Resilience and Vulnerability of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems to Climate Change

B112: Tropical Forests Under a Changing Environment

B115: Understanding Land-Ocean Interactions through Atmospheric Teleconnections: Patterns, Mechanisms and Predictions on Perturbations to the Global Carbon Cycle

B117: Vegetation canopies: physiology, structure, function

B118: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change

C008: Changes to Subsurface Processes in Permafrost Soils due to Climate Change-Induced Thaw

EP015: Earth Observations to characterize extreme climate events and human impacts on the terrestrial carbon cycle

EP016: Earth Surface Processes and the Global Carbon Cycle

EP035: Predicting the Fate of River Deltas and Coastal Wetlands: Observations, Modeling, and Experimentation

EP040: Surface processes and carbon cycling in cold regions: observations, drivers, and impacts in a changing climate

GC004: Advancements in Climate Intervention Research Technologies, Policies and Practices: Opportunities and Issues

GC005: Advances in Enhanced Weathering for CO2 removal in (Sub-) Tropical Environments, Integrating MRV, Geochemical Modeling, and Life Cycle Analysis

GC006: Advancements in Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Soil Health Monitoring and Climate Smart Agriculture

GC014: Advances in monitoring and mitigation assessments of greenhouse (GHG) emissions and sinks for the land sector

GC022: Advancing Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of In-Situ, Ex-Situ, and Marine CO2 Mineralization-based Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

GC029: Advancing Understanding of the Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Climate Modeling

GC040: CO2 removal at scale: Science, technology, policy and market

GC048: Climate Intervention, Mitigation, Adaption, and Restoration: Assessing the Risks and Benefits of Using Earth System Models for Guidance on Climate Action

GC054: Connecting Science and Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Development for Cross-Pathway Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Technologies

GC057: Data-driven approaches to improved climate impact accounting for nature-based carbon removal

GC062: Direct and indirect linkages between greenhouse gases and air pollutants: monitoring, quantification, and management

GC067: Earth-Observation Based Methods To Monitor Forest Loss, Degradation and Growth

GC076: Forest cover dynamics, drivers, and impacts under diverse human activities and climate change

GC083: Implications of climate change for global agriculture - impacts, adaptation, mitigation

GC089: Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal: Potentials, Considerations, and Challenges

GC096: Methane Mitigation - Novel Approaches to Reduce Methane Emissions and Remove Atmospheric Methane

GC097: Monitoring and measuring global impacts of livestock supply chains: environmental mitigation and ecosystem services on land

GC117: Observing, Modeling, and Predicting Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Various Landscapes under Climate Change

GC123: Removing Technical Obstacles to Large-Scale Deployment of Geological Storage Systems

GC126: Risk analytics for a warming world

GC131: Scaling: Integrating field experiments, remote sensing, and modeling to understand terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change

GC132: Scaling Nature-Based Climate Solutions

GC133: Scaling Potentials of Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies: Approaches, Constraints and Challenges

GC141: Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change: Towards agricultural decarbonization

GC145: Terrestrial biosphere-climate interactions: dynamics, impacts, and pathways to sustainability

GC146: Terrestrial enhanced rock weathering and downstream processes in soils, rivers and oceans

GC150: The Impact of Decarbonization on the Global Nitrogen Cycle

GC153: The source and fate of carbon transferred along the hydrological pathways

GC158: Unlocking the Potential of Carbon Capture and Storage Value Chain for a Sustainable Net-Zero Future

GC160: Urban Climate and Vegetation Feedbacks from the Local to Regional Scales

GC165: World on Fire: Understanding Fire Impacts on Climate, Ecosystem Structure, and Biogeochemical Cycles

H002: Advancement in Watershed Modeling: Agricultural Systems, Nutrient Balance, Carbon Cycling and Regulatory Science

H035: An Integrated Community Approach to Modeling, Observations, and Prediction of the Water Energy and Carbon Cycles Across Climate Timescales over the CONUS

H064: Experimental and Modeling Developments for Advancing Geological CO2 Storage

H126: Subsurface Processes for Energy Production and Storage, Carbon Mitigation and Waste Disposal

H148: Water and Society: Decarbonization and Sustainability Strategies for Water Systems

OS003: Advances in Understanding Nutrient Cycles and the Biological Pump in the Western Pacific Under Past, Present, and Future Climates

OS004: Advancing our Understanding of Ocean Carbon and Air-Sea Carbon Flux

OS018: Emerging Perspectives on Dissolved Organic Carbon Sources, Age, and Reactivity in the Deep Ocean

OS027: Modeling Approaches in Support of Ocean-based CDR Research

OS029: Natural Gas Hydrate Systems: Occurrence and Dynamic Behavior

OS032: Physics Informed and Data-Driven Machine Learning methods for modeling marine geoscience processes

OS036: The Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities on Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Wetlands and Strategies for Carbon Sink Enhancement

S018: Geologic Carbon Storage

SY037: Navigating Uncertainty: Assessing and Communicating Risk in Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Research, Development, and Deployment

PP010: Carbonate Sediments through Time: Processes of Deposition and Diagenesis

PP011: Climate of the Common Era

PP017: Hyperthermals through Time: Decoding Climate Change, Ocean Circulation, and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks

PP023: Organic material as Paleo-environmental Proxies in Terrestrial Carbonates

PP033: The Deglacial carbon cycle: reconciling greenhouse gas records with marine and terrestrial data

SY060: Whole-of-Society Approaches for Addressing the Climate Crisis at Scale, from National to Local

U013: Ocean Negative Carbon Emission Approaches for Mitigating Climate Change: Mechanisms, Practices and Governance

V027: The role of carbon in mantle, magmatic and hydrothermal processes