Webinar: Research Funding Call 'Towards Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater for Society'

June 8, 2020

On 9 April 2020 the Belmont Forum launched a Collaborative Research Action on the theme: Towards Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater for Society.

 The goal of this CRA is to produce the necessary knowledge and propose solutions to maintain well-functioning soils and groundwater systems in the Critical Zone[1], or rehabilitate them where degraded, through:

1)         Better understanding of the long- and shorter-time dynamics and functions of soils and groundwater, impacts from societal (including economics) decisions, integrative management practices, public policies, and how these systems have been transformed; and,

2)         Providing avenues, pathways, and narratives toward transformation of management practices of the whole soil and groundwater systems through a fundamental shift of socio-economic actors’ practices and related-decisions making processes.

 This webinar will present the themes and the modalities to submit a proposal to this call during two sessions in order to allow participation of interested persons from different time zones:

 - on June 29, 2020 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am UTC+2

 - on June 30, 2020 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm UTC+2

 To attend the meeting, we invite you to register using this registration form by June 25, 2020.

 More information: https://www.belmontforum.org/cras/#soils2020

 Enquiries should also be sent to Johann Müller at BelmontForum@agencerecherche.fr


[1] Critical Zone is a complex socio-ecological system in which water, rocks, soils living organisms, and societies interact at different timescales.