News and Opportunities


March, 2014

Key U.S. actions to improve methane emissions measurement and monitoring....

The Plan addresses the increasing impacts of ocean, coastal and estuarine acidification traced back to anthropogenic atmospheric inputs to the oceans as well as anthropogenic effects on land- based runoff that can drive respiration-induced acidification....

The budget supports Federal basic and applied research investments in food initiatives, energy, climate, environment, climate resilience, sustained vital space-based Earth observations....

February, 2014

U.S. based carbon cycle scientists conducting research across North America met with the the CCIWG....


December, 2013

Gary Geernaert (DOE), CCIWG members and Gyami Shrestha (U.S. Carbon Program Office) discussed and received feedback on U.S....

November, 2013

The workshop outcomes focused on carbon cycle representation in Earth System Models (ESMs) of climate change....

An online interactive platform to deliver carbon information for educators, broader public, policy makers, NGOs, corporate community involved in climate change discussions, and the research community....

The CCIWG will address the federal carbon cycle research prioritization process, soliciting queries & implementation ideas from the global carbon cycle science community.

The most recent developments in major internationally coordinated carbon cycle science research activities involving the U.S.....

'...Agencies shall, where possible, focus on program and policy adjustments that promote the dual goals of greater climate resilience and carbon sequestration....'
